Ready for the Summer Slim Down Weight Loss Challenge!?!

For just $300, you get the full 30 Day Summer Slim Down Weight Los Challenge which includes access to a private Facebook group that provides daily nutrition coaching, advice and motivation. In addition, you also receive a RoughFit fitness membership for 30 days of unlimited classes and the following products:

Summer Slim Down Weight Loss Challenge Set Includes:

* Protein Shake Mix - Chocolate (1), Vanilla (1)              * Digestion Plus (1)
* Herbal Detox Tea (2)                                                    * Daily Fiber Boost (1)
* 7-Day Body Cleanse (1)                                                * Energy Fizz Sticks - Pomegranate (1), Citrus (1)
* Healthy Living and Beyond Guide (1)                          * Greens Balance (1)**

**Available to new clients as part of Set.  Available to existing clients for $15.00 (70% discount)! 

With the combination of eating right and exercise, you are sure to get healthy and fit for the summer season!

In addition, you are also eligible to win prize money! Our top 3 participants will enter a drawing to win prize amounts of $1000, $500 or $300. And an extra $200 will go to the person who achieved the highest percentage of weight loss.

The nutrition plan does the thinking for you by providing recipes for each day, and giving you a clear outline of how to nurture your body throughout the detox.

And enjoy your workouts with creative, fun and challenging workouts designed by our Master Trainers!